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Gabriel's Light is a provider of Health and Wellness products, consisting of Essential Oil and Homeopathic energy healing solutions

Headache Relief Spray


Headache Relief Spray

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Headache Relief Spray


Reduces and helps clear headache pain

– Helps with headaches, hangovers, tense shoulders, neck muscles and general tension due to stress. May also be used to unclog nasal passages.

Instructions:  Spray on area of headache, the forehead, along the hairline, behind the ears and the nape of the neck. Use liberally. You will feel a warming and cooling sensation as the essential oils ease the stress and the ache. Ingredients include essential oils of Peppermint, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Birch, Frankincense, Yarrow & Vetiver. Each bottle contains a Herkimer diamond which is known as the attunement stone to enhance spiritual energy and healing

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